Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Do as I do

Although the biting seems to have mostly resolved, Owen is a physical kid. That is a good thing (there is no snuggle shortage in the Luhrs' household), and also rough right now when he is still learning to express frustration, sadness, and anger.

Hitting is the expression of emotions du jour and our mantra, "hands are not for hitting, hitting isn't friendly" is getting a fair bit of play lately. Not that much, to be fair, but usually once a day for the past week or so.

This weekend, Owen became frustrated that we wouldn't let him play with a camera and he smacked me in the face. The hitting is usually directed at me, and on this particular day I was feeling short-fused and exhausted for no particular reason.

As our routine goes, I removed Owen from the situation, carried him into his toy room while chanting the hitting mantra. I explained that hitting hurts. I am sure he feels a mixture of embarassment and indignation when I go over this with him, he gets everything we say to him. He tried to hit me again (really this one was more of a fake-out) and I grabbed his hands to thwart the wet noodle attack and in so doing, I scratched his cheek. Scratched a gouge really. It bled a little, immediately.

The look he gave me will be burned into my retina for years. It was the worst feeling. In the middle of trying to talk to Owen about gentle touches and alternate ways to express frustration, I accidentally hurt him. I wrapped him into a big hug and he just melted into me but was sobbing. I told him that Mommy did not mean to scratch him. I think he got it, but man, that moment of bewilderment will not be forgotten by me for a long time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I understand that feeling completely. Today the kids were fighting in the car and melting down while I was trying to get Geoff's flight info on my phone, and I smacked Charlie's leg to get him to be quiet. He was upset at the time but now is totally over it....but I'm not. I feel awful.