Monday, August 4, 2008

Busy week

Owen got sick on the plane home from Chicago, and was out-of-sorts for a few days. I caught his virus the next day and was out-of-sorts for a few days. It seems so far that Keith has escaped it, although both Erin and Charlie were knocked down by it, too. I wonder when we got it? At any rate, we're all feeling better.

I admitted to Keith this weekend, that as he drove me home on Thursday and as I literally felt like I wouldn't be able to make it up the stairs to our condo without help, part of me was ecstatic about being able to lay in bed - across the entire bed, if I wanted. By myself. Without having to nurse anyone. So, it tells you how your lounging life changes when you have a baby, that a recognizable part of you is happy to be so sick you can hardly function, only because it means that you get to be in bed by yourself.

Jenny and Stew (newly engaged!) had a going-away party for Kate on Saturday and it was a bit like a reunion, with my tipsy husband happily recounting every drunken story from 1997-present to our gaggle of friends, many of whom we haven't seen in months. (It was a long afternoon, so he fit it all in.) It was so great to see everyone, and get some extra time with Eddie & Steph after not seeing them for so long during Con Season. Overall a lovely weekend topped off by a relaxing Sunday at home with the boys. Next up on the calendar: botox neurology adventures with Erin on Friday.

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