Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mommy Groove

Tonight was one of those satisfying Mommy nights. We had snacks on the way home ready for Owen. I made a quick, tasty dinner and we ate happily together at the table. We took a fun walk to the park, played, then went to get yogurt. Owen signed "sleepy" and "milk" and fell asleep in the crook of my arm humming songs with me.

The times we Mommies feel certain that we are doing exactly right by our children are to be relished. It's easy to notice my temper, my tendency towards impatience, my occasional desire to find refuge in lazing around. It's easy to get side-tracked by perceived other-mommy criticisms or competition. Tonight I just totally grooved on my awesome family.

1 comment:

JennC said...

I'm glad you had a lovely night! May you have many more....