Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Lately, Owen is obsessed with all things "hot". When I turn on the stove, he signs "hot". When he sees steam, he signs "hot". When you bring him food, he looks at you & signs "hot" as if to ask if the food will burn him. Even when he sees a sunbeam he signs it - no joke. Last night when we were at the park the sprinklers were misting and he thought it was steam, so he signed "hot", then as we got closer he realized it was "wa wa" and went to play in it. I think it's a good idea that he is afraid of hot things, but lately he won't let me be in the kitchen if the stove is on. He seems terrified that I might get hurt, or doesn't like me playing around the hot stove. There's something completely endearing about seeing him lose it when I turn on the stove, he comes in and reaches for my hand and wants me to pick him up and take him out of the kitchen. It makes it a little hard to cook dinner, but it sure is sweet.

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