Saturday, March 29, 2008

First birthday party

Today we threw our first birthday party for our kiddo. You know, you can always start with the best intentions, to keep everything simple, to make sure that - no matter what - the main goal is that it is easy and just to enjoy the day.

Well, Friday afternoon when we realize we're up to our eyeballs in "easy", Keith tells me that Stew and Jenny have offered to help us get ready. These two angels came over and chopped, cooked, poured, mixed, and prepped so much I can't even express how grateful we are! We could not have done this without them.

Stew also came over bright at early this morning to help. Sharon, Clayton, and Amy showed up at the perfect time, when I was just starting to realize how much I had left to get done and was a perfectly insane combination of stressed and excited. And then - SURPRISE! Mom shows up!! It was the best surprise I could have imagined!! My Mom surprising me for my son's first birthday party? Waterworks - you bet.

So, we all managed somehow to haul everything to the park. Mommers and I picked up the gigantic bundle of balloons, held them out the sunroof, and somehow managed to make it to the park with only two of them popping on the hot car.

Keith, Stew, Sharon, Clayton, and Amy got everything to the park and somehow, with very little help from yours truly, the party somehow got set up and ready for visitors.

Really, it was such a fun day. I don't actually have that many pictures, because I was having so much fun hanging out with everyone, doing the sack race, water balloons, egg race, just hanging out. We put out a sheet with a sweet potato yogurt pie in the middle, stripped Owen down to his diaper, and then let him at it. In my head, I imagined he'd crawl towards it, stick his hands in, rub pie all over his mouth, we'd all laugh and clickclickclick take a million pictures. Well, in fact it went nothing like that. Owen stared at the pie for awhile. Looked at me and whined like what is that? Then we both moved towards it, he touched it with a single cautious finger and then pretty much decided he didn't want any. I offered him some bites and he eventually played with it a little bit (really not), and that was it. Kind of a lot of build up for very little excitement.

However, Owen loved Mattie's trike, loved the wagon ride (thanks again Grandma & Grandpa Luhrs!), loved time with his friends and family. He ate two gigantic pieces of watermelon, lots of cheese, and some pie crust. All in all, I think he had a really great birthday party.

I know this post isn't very witty or funny. I'm exhausted and honestly, I'm just really overwhelmed with gratitude for our family and friends. For Stew and Jenny for helping so much. For Monica and Klaus for their amazing personal gift to Owen & their friendship this past year. For my aunt, uncle and cousin for coming to help and celebrate with us. For Eddie & Steph who, still exhausted from their wedding, came and played with us until late tonight. And, for my Mommers, who absolutely made my day and helped me relax. To all our friends and family who, whether celebrating with us or in spirit, have made this past year the best year of my life - thank you. I am really a very lucky woman.

Love to everyone & good night!!

1 comment:

JennC said...

The party was fabulous and perfect and wonderful. We all had a great time! Kisses!