Thursday, March 20, 2008

My husband just served me bile

He says it was a Barley Wine, and assures me it is very good beer, but I beg to differ. He says it is a "malty, sweet, rich, dense beer." In my first sip, I imagine it is really bile from some animal, perhaps a pig. The second and third sips provide a little more of what he's talking about, but I have to allow that he will enjoy it more than I would. Into his glass goes my serving. I am sure he fears I will never have a developed beer palate. I fear he is right.

But anyway. Onto the blog.

So, hey, our son can stand! Not often and not for very long, and always with great flourish and showmanship. He makes sure you are looking. He then stands, throws his arms into the air (lest you think he is tricking you and really holding onto something), and then before you can do so, he begins clapping for himself. Really, does it get any cuter than that?

His signing has regressed, but in a really funny way that is totally acceptable. He used to sign ball, milk, more, dog. Now he signs ball, milk, more, dog, shoes, socks, hat, Mama, Daddy. Except now, ball, milk, more, shoes, and socks are one sign - the sign for "more". Hat, Mama, and Daddy are another (a hand patting the side of his head - I'm not sure what this really means. I hope he does not inadvertently offend any deaf individuals ). Only "dog" has a unique (and correct) sign. Dogs clearly deserve the respect of not having to share their sign with another, lesser word.

Owen hung out with Meg, Adam, and Mattie last night while Keith and I had a DATE!!! A DATE!! It was fabulous. Honestly, even though we went to a movie and didn't speak for two hours then went to get Owen and went home, it was the funnest night. In part that is because we were allowed to space out for TWO HOURS. But probably more importantly it is because we saw Juno, the best sweetest cutest film I've seen in a long time.

Eddie and Stephanie's wedding is this weekend and both Keith and I are in the ceremony; Keith as a groomsman, I as the officiant. I am so excited and so hoping I don't melt into a puddle of sentiment when I get up there and see Eddie looking excited, nervous, hopeful. Wish us all luck! More to come next week.

PS. Thanks for the Easter goodies Grandma Luhrs!! XOXO

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