Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bellies are for raspberries

Owen has decided, since his father and I use his belly for the sole purpose of such things, that bellies are for raspberries. After work today Mr. Doodle and I were unwinding on the bed playing around and he pulled up my top and planted a big raspberry on my belly then looked at me with such a look of pride. I was proud too, because that realization is an important one for any playful soul - and my child is nothing if not playful. I was also relieved: up until about 2 months and 10 mommy-pounds ago, Owen really wasn't sure what to do with my belly. He could tell that my belly-button wasn't like the rest of my belly, and he could tell too (after several interesting attempts) that my belly-button was not an oddly shaped nipple. So, this realization that bellies are for raspberries is one I consider equal to the realization that farts are funny and that it is not ok to throw food off the high chair. We're still eagerly anticipating these last two.

1 comment:

JennC said...

The "farts are funny" thing will come naturally. The "no throwing food off the highchair".....not so much.