Saturday, April 12, 2008

My other kids

Ahhh just got home from an AWESOME day in San Diego with the Havens. We had a picnic at the park - the pics will soon be uploaded to Picasa - the weather, food, & company were all unbelievable. But I have this post I started Friday and want to get posted - I'll try to post another update tomorrow on all-things-Owen (he's just amazing lately!).

Can I do another plug for Jenn's blog? The link is now at left. Because honestly, it's probably my favorite blog out there, and that includes dooce, so that's saying something. Read it. All the entries. Jenn is laugh-out-loud funny, and none of it (I promise) is made up. Her posts make me want to go back and edit all of mine to make them funnier.

Thursday night Jenn and I had girls-night-out, which consisted of a very tame evening of Margaritas and appetizers, which we chased with a trip to the Carters store. I told Marcy at daycare about this and although my point was how fun last night was, her first comment was "You went to Carters for girls night out? Lauren. Carters?" It's true, we did. But did I mention the part about the margaritas?

Jenn told me a couple of awesome stories about the kiddos, but my favorite one was about Cathryn. Cathryn is my current muse of the three (it rotates pretty evenly) and she is an entirely different kid than her younger (by a couple minutes) sister. Again, Jenn describes Cate perfectly on her blog, but another story, which Jenn shared with me Thursday, is just classic, perfect Cate:

[Cate walks into the bedroom holding her crotch and dancing side to side]
Jenn: Cathryn, do you need to use the potty?
Cate: Nope. I'm just scrrratchin'!

I love it because she's just so funny and blunt. I'd love to write a million more stories about all the kiddos (I just got off the phone with the Services; Charlie and I counted to 20 together and it was totally adorable. I love how some numbers are more fun to say than others - apparently Charlie likes to say "seventeeeeeen!"), but need to get back to my own precious boy. More soon.

1 comment:

JennC said...

You make me blush. I don't care what anyone says, Carter's ROCKED.