Tuesday, April 22, 2008

From now on: no covert ice cream ops

I was never a big fan of ice cream when I was younger. I actually was totally abnormal in my relative dislike for ice cream and pizza (For example, in high school I dated a guy who worked at an ice cream parlor and never once asked him for free ice cream. And when we would go to Round Table Pizza after a softball game I'd get a ham sandwich). But those pregnant women + ice cream love affairs are no joke, and pretty much as soon as I saw the extra line on the pregnancy test, I was craving ice cream constantly. Keith and I joke that Owen is 50% tangerine and 50% ice cream - my two favorite pregnancy foods.

Ever since then, going for a little stroll after dinner to get ice cream has become a lovely once or twice a week excursion. And for better or for worse, Owen loves ice cream. The Baskin Robbins taster spoons are perfectly Owen-sized, and I will share bits of my treat with him (I'd like to take this opportunity to register my complaint that Keith only ever gets pralines n' cream, and because of the nuts he never has to share any of his treat). So I'll give Owen a bite and a few seconds later my little bird is cheeping at me with his mouth wide-open waiting for more goodies. This is all well and good if we go earlier in the day on a weekend. But during the week we like to take a walk after dinner, and because we're hoping Owen goes to bed sometime oh, before midnight, we don't want to give him sugar. (For us this is not a problem - I mean, please. We have a 13-month old. We are still so ridiculously sleep deprived. Even after eating ice cream chased with an espresso I could probably fall asleep holding a jackhammer with a monkey on my head).

So last night around 7:15, we go to BR for some tasty treats and we register that we're going to have to make this a covert op somehow. Keith, thankfully, decides that he is full from dinner and doesn't want any ice cream. So the entire way home, I'm hunched over my ice cream like Golem with the ring, trying to gobble it down slyly while Keith is distracting Owen like "What? There's nothing to see here HEY LOOK! Birds! A tree! Nope, no one is eating ice cream in our vicinity." It kind of took the joy out of the evening walk+ice cream routine. I guess it's ice cream trips on weekends or not at all.


Mommers said...

Of course I read your blogs and can't wait to nibble that neck and deliver raspberries to that belly. Oh, and hug you too.

The Mom

JennC said...

Your description of sleep deprivation made me laugh out loud!!!