Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dusty Blog

[blows dust off blog] Oh damn, I'm sorry - did I just blow dust in anyone's face? How rude!

I'm not going to try to pretend that I'll be much better at this, but I do miss blogging so I hope I can somehow get back into at least once-a-week, if not more. I guess lately I've been too busy teaching my kid to say damnit and losing track of what my employees are up to to have much to write about on here.

One thing that has been bouncing around in my head lately is all the things that Owen does that I never, ever want to forget. So here's a small list:

1. He says "yesh" instead of "yes"
2. If he really wants something, and you ask him if he wants it, he goes, "YEAH!" and throws his hands in the air like his team just scored a goal. (See? A soccer reference, not a football reference. I've already gotten the lecture from Nonni about how disappointed she'd be if Owen played football).
3. He taps his finger on his chin and says "Hmmmm" when he's thinking something over.
4. He hums the first two notes of the Thomas the Tank Engine theme and then looks at us expectantly to finish it.
5. He is obsessed with our personalized version of "The Wheels on the Bus" - where Mamy (Amy) says "Where's my book", Taco says "I love clams", Charlie says "Let's play trucks", Reilly says "I love food", Mimi (Erin) says "Give me hugs", Nonni says "I love you", Unc says "Where's my Owen?", Titi (Sharon) says "You're so cute". I sing this, with all the versions, about 5,000,000,000 times a day (last night I counted).
6. He calls the Wiggles "Wee wee"
7. He calls Elmo "elmo" now, but it used to be "momo". Ernie is "Nee nee"
8. He learned the word "mess" when he was home alone with Keith, and "chest" when he was home alone with me. Coincidence? I think not.
9. He loves playing the game where he grabs my purse and pretends to leave. We say "Are you going on an adventure?" and he says "Byeeee" and we say "We will miss you! We love you!" and he goes into another room. Keith and I then say "Oh, we miss Owen so much!" and then he comes running out, smiling hugely, and gives us giant hugs and kisses. I think all three of us could play that game for hours.

I know there's lots more but that's it for now...


Stacy White said...

Yeah for blogging again!!!! I was just telling Erin that I was going to have to email you and start harassing you about not updating your blog.

Unknown said...

Adorable entry. And it's amazing how you DO forget all of those little things, so it's good to record them. I especially like your rendition of "the wheels on the bus", particularly Uncle Taco's line.

JennC said...

Jack used to tap his temple while saying "Hmmmmmm?" when he was being a "decider". Too cute!