Saturday, January 24, 2009


Jenn brought the kiddos over on Thursday night for some pizza and canned green beans (we do it fancy here). I love hearing about the kids when she and I get together for Thursday Girls Nights, and seeing them regularly just thrills me. They are such GOOD kids, each full of such personality.

Jack is all boy. Trains, puzzles, Mom. Ava is the princess sweetie, quiet smiles, gentle, thrilled by praise. (Owen is already hopelessly in love with Ava). Cate is Miss Sassypants. She is boisterous, hilarious, and totally sassy. I told Jenn she should have named Cate "Karma".

The kids took tubbies over here, Owen smiling as he's sandwiched between the girls (Jack preferred a short rinse). After the bath, as is our household custom, we let Owen run around naked for a bit. He grabbed his dinosaur jammies and ran around roaring. Auntie Jenn asked, "Are you a naked dinosaur?". Then from the other room Cate said, "Mom," (and I could almost hear her head cock to the side and her hands land on her hips in exasperation), "Dinosaurs are ALWAYS naked!"

So true.

The next morning, as we drove Owen to school, we asked who came over to play the night before.
"Jack!" he exclaimed.
"Who else?" we asked.
"Cate." he said. Then, "Jenn!"
"And? Who else?"
He looked pensive, trying to remember who else was there. I asked, "Was Ava there too?"
And he smiled a big lovestruck smile and breathed, "Aaaava!"

1 comment:

JennC said...

Oooohhhh! My heart melts! And yes, I think they would make a wonderful pair. We had a great time too cutie; you can feed me canned green beans any day of the week!