Sunday, January 25, 2009

Translation: chocolate

We spent a lovely day with the Havens, with a quick break between lunch and dinner to head to the zoo while the Havens went to a funeral. After Sharon's ridiculously awesome dinner, she did what only goddesses and smart husbands do: she busted out the Cherry Garcia.

Cherry Garcia is, quite easily, my favorite ice cream, ever. I didn't used to like ice cream much, but something about growing a human being inside my belly turned me onto the stuff and now my love for ice cream and wine are the only things keeping me from my sexy jeans.

Tonight, Owen was mooching ice cream from Unc, and as I was harvesting a delicious dark chocolate morsel from my own bowl, I realized that Sharon, Unc, and Amy would be tickled to hear how Owen calls chocolate "chock chock". I asked him, "Owies, can you say 'chocolate'?" He looked at me with a look of such pure hope and said, "Please??"

Yep - that's what I call chocolate too.

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