Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Daddy Day!

Yesterday was Mother's Day - my second. It still seems weird that I'm a Mom - all those other women with the gigantic bags with readily accessible kleenex and cute small people running around them - those are Moms. I still consider myself just a person who happens to have a kid.

I was awoken on Mother's Day by a tiny finger touching the tip of my nose, gently but persistently. I opened my eyes and when my eyes met Owen's he squealed in glee, "DADDY!" We're still working on the Mommy/Daddy distinction, but for the Mother's Day greeting it seemed particularly fantastic.

The day was lovely; relaxed, nothing in particular on the agenda. Owen and I took a nice nap later in the day, then went to the mall to check out the Babystyle closing sale. At some point Owen decided he was done in the stroller, so I carried him in one arm and pushed the stroller with the other, carefully maneuvering around the crowds of teenagers who are clearly going to hell for not spending the day with their mothers. I started to register that I am becoming invisible, that when people see us they see Owen's big curious eyes and friendly smile. I'm his pedestal. I am one lucky pedestal.

1 comment:

JennC said...

Happy Mother's Day sweetie! And you are a GREAT mom, just for the record. Being able to find Kleenex is way over-rated as a skill for motherhood - that is what sleeves are for, am I right? Your crack about the hell-bound teenagers made me snort!