Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tubby signing

Last night in the tub Owen signed "please" when he wanted some toys from his wall-mounted frog (if that didn't make any sense, I understand). Of course, this signing required prompting, but only minimal. I can't even possibly put into words how freaking adorable it was to see my little naked boy covered in bubbles smiling at me and signing "please". I think I went a little overboard with my excitement, but at least I think he registered that it was a good thing to do. This weekend he signed "banana" when he wanted Keith to hand him some banana and both of us almost fell out of our chairs with excitement. There is something so thrilling about communicating with our kiddo - whether it's a sign for "banana", his saying "Daddy!" when we're approaching Keith's work to pick him up, or whether it's catching his eye and sharing a giggle over something we both found amusing - that understanding that we're sharing a moment of humor. He's such an amazingly happy, curious, and snuggly kid. It's so hard sometimes to imagine having another - how could any other baby compare?