Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why it might be good to have three

I forgot to post this text message I got from Jenn on Friday.

"Drove the kids to SD today. They slept for an hour, whined for an hour, and spent the last 20 minutes cracking each other up saying 'I smell like BACON!'"

I remember when Jenn first told me that Ava decided that farts were the funniest thing in the world, and how it happens totally naturally without any instruction from parents (although I must admit that we do laugh when Owen farts - so maybe he will learn that way that it is funny). I think the same is true for finding "I smell like BACON!" funny - in fact, I am pretty sure that if I said that to Keith tonight he would laugh instinctively. Either that or he'd lean over and smell me to make sure. He is, after all, a scientist.

1 comment:

JennC said...

$5 says he smells you....