Sunday, June 8, 2008


Sometimes I wonder if everyone has a secret superpower that only needs to be discovered to be unleashed. If that is the case, then I think I've discovered Owen's secret power: the ability to detect dogs anywhere. This morning we embarked on our new Sunday morning routine (breakfast at Cinnamon Productions...usually followed by a trip to the park except we'd forgotten the diaper bag and Owen was, to put it mildly, a tad smelly), and at least four or five times Owen would sign dog, and Keith or I would say "Dog? Where?" and we'd look all around us and conclude, " I don't see a dog sweetie." And then moments later we would notice the dog under the table 20 feet away, or the tiny dog on its owner's lap 30 feet away. We call it his "dogdar". This boy is dog obsessed.


JennC said...

I think I might have to make him a cape.....

Unknown said...

While I have no doubt that Owen is a superhero in the making, I hate to burst your bubble and say that I think every kid of this age has serious dogdar....Reilly can be throwing up (as he did all weekend), but as soon as he hears a bark in the distance he immediately perks up and starts pointing and saying gagee!!

Lauren said...

A cape with a dog on it?? BRILLIANT!!