Sunday, June 15, 2008

Truly pathetic

I have been the worst blogger ever lately. It's not for a lack of material - Owen does something new and adorable every day and Keith and I have a full plate of goings-on, but for whatever reason, I've been totally uninspired to write anything down. So - I'm going to start writing shorter stories again, just little tidbits of something funny or stressful or whatever, to keep everyone up-to-date, smiling, and to let me let off a little steam.

A brief update on the past week or so:

Keith left his job at Peregrine on Wednesday. They had a nice lunch-out and a happy-hour celebration for him (Owen and I joined for the latter and Owen flirted shamelessly with Debbie for the entire time). I took Thurs-Fri off work to spend time with my boys. On Thursday we went to the zoo with Sharon and Clayton...for SEVEN HOURS. Owen was in heaven, I think we all were. It was such a fantastic day. Unfortunately my camera is broken (still) otherwise I'd upload some pics here.

Friday Keith and I had a "date day". It was blissful! We dropped Owen off at daycare around 9 and went to our old Costa Mesa bagel shop for breakfast, then saw a movie in a theater (Ironman - it was loads of fun and perfect for distraction). We then went and had a couple of beers, then picked up the boy at daycare where we'd planned to partake in the petting zoo they had going on, but all of us were just maxed out on activities. I think we both regretted the beers - we were insanely tired Friday night, but all-in-all it was a perfect day.

Saturday was full of Jenny&Stew fun. Sunday we celebrated Father's Day with Meg, Adam, & Mathis at the park where we were occasionally joined by an apparently-un-parented child who enjoyed chucking things at Keith.

It's been a really busy, but fantastic, few days. Tomorrow: back to work for me, first day of work at Allergan for Keith.

I promise to be a better blogirl.

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