Monday, February 11, 2008

California Living

Sorry to those of you who have thus far been following the exciting lives of two scientists with a 10-month old – I haven’t posted in a few days because I’ve been enjoying the wonderful easy company of my sister Erin, who was out sans kiddos for three days. I think all of the Gods got together and agreed that Erin was due for some good weather because we had the most beautiful days while she was here – it was 72+ every day with the most wonderful breeze. Ahhhhh, California Living. Mind you, it was -40 in Minnesota this weekend.

I spent a good amount of time talking to Erin about all the fun things we’ll do WHEN she moves back to California, and the rest of the time we ate ridiculously unhealthy snack food and talked about our cute babies. At one point last night, she and I were exhausted and smeared ourselves across the sofa after Owen finally fell asleep. We were watching You’ve Got Mail for the millionth time (and this time mostly because changing the channel would require far too much effort). I looked over at her and remembered fondly the days where we’d drink 40’s in paper bags over a game of cards with some friends, end up painting each other purple, and then we’d all pile in the shower with all our clothes on. Now we were both ready for bed at 7:45 pm and had recently discussed how breastfeeding changes your boobs.

Being around my sister gets me thinking about a sibling for Owen and how much I love how close in age Erin and I are (18 months), and then the reality of California Living hits me. Sure, it’s 72+ degrees out in early February, but we’re also faced with the choice between buying a house OR having another baby sometime in the next couple of years. I guess it's good we're thinking about such things, but childcare is so expensive and housing is just...insane. Who knows what the next two years will look like. Funny thing is that it doesn't stress me out - I'm curious and excited to see how it all unfolds. It helps that Owen is just so much fun to watch and mother right now - I'm pretty content even in our tiny home.

Keith went on a long ride yesterday with some friends (one of whom is married to a woman that I went to college with in Minnesota – small world!). He came home his usual post-bike cheerful self, looking several shades tanner from all the dirt. I know it takes him away from me on the weekends, but I do really love seeing how happy biking makes him.

Owen got two more teeth this weekend. Maybe now he can eat those green beans. I was wondering why he kept biting me all day Saturday, but it made sense when we noticed two new teeth. He’s such a happy boy, and just loves being out and about. Erin and I went out to lunch yesterday and Owen ate some, but then spent a good amount of time turning around in his high chair, checking out everyone in the restaurant, and laughing at nothing and no one in particular. I think I have a flirt on my hands.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ah, 40's and purple body paint. Memories.