Sunday, February 3, 2008

Superbowl Sunday

Well folks, here it is: The Luhrs Family West blog! Not sure how active we'll be - we'll just start it and see what the interest is from the family, friends, etc. Instead of sending out mass emailings, I figure I'll just give friends the link to the blog and hope that Keith will occassionaly check in too.

Owen is a little over 10 months old now and is SO fun. He calls everything Dada but seems to say it a lot more to Keith, so we're thinking it's catching on. Who knows though! He is so smiley and happy - just a total joy. Yesterday he and I went to Gymboree class for the first time, it was pretty fun. Owen had a blast playing with all the toys and crawling all over the place. I had wished that the mothers and fathers there were a little more interactive and interested in socializing, but I guess it's hard to do that much when you're trying to corral you kid for 45 minutes straight...I'll keep going for awhile - it's fun to see Owen socialize and play and he certainly seems to love it!

Keith and Owen are at the supermarket getting things so I can make Guiness pie for dinner tonight. I think Eddie/Steph and Jenny/Stew are coming over for dinner, maybe later in the game (if it's a blow-out) or maybe after the game is over. They'll be going to a bigger superbowl party, but it's just not realistic for us to take Owen to something like that right now - he's so active and into everything, neither of us would be able to relax and no one would be able to enjoy the game!

I'll post more this week, more updates, more info. Gonna try to get some things done while the boys are out running errands...

1 comment:

dluhrs said...

Love reading this! Luhrs Family East will check this often..