Monday, February 18, 2008

Long Beach Aquarium

It's been a busy holiday weekend for us! Although both Keith and I are congested and coughing, we've managed to fit in a lot of play time with the kiddo. We went to the Aquarium on Saturday, and while I think Owen is still a little young for the bustle of the crowds, he managed to hold his own all right. The aquarium was crowded on Saturday, and even though we didn't get there until ~2:30, the hallways with the different tanks were packed. We were with Monica and Kai, and Jenny and Stew. People are talking and kids are playing, but don't you know that it's my son who is the loudest thing in those halls. BA BA BA BA BA BA DA DA DA DA all the way down the hall. Most people looked at him and laughed, though there was the occasional person who would look at us with pity as though our child were particularly special in his ability to yell. And not special in a good way. But Monica seemed to find the yelling useful; she said "I can't always see you guys, but I have no problem finding you."

Owen is at the age where he needs to get down and crawl. A lot. It will probably be easier when he's walking, in some ways, because I won't worry so much about his hands getting all over the dirty floor. At the aquarium he was full of back-arching and yelling for me to put him down, on the gross dirty carpet. Sigh. Of course there are some things we'll still have to worry about when he's walking (and surely some new as-yet-unknown things). Yesterday at the park, Owen and Mattie were "painting" in the sand and Owen grabbed a handful of sand and...ate it.

He's definitely teaching us all the different ways one can explore their world!

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