Monday, July 28, 2008


Still in Chicago for the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and had the BEST time with Erin and the kiddos & Mommers. The boys are adorable and I will post pics on the Picasa site when I get home (Erin's already posted hers!). It made all of us realize that we need to get the kids together so much more; they're so fun together.

I haven't seen Charlie and Reilly since October (for shame, I know), although we did get to see Erin in February. When I saw Charlie last, he was talking of course, but it was much different than now. Now he's completely fluent and it's just fascinating to hear how he phrases things. Like, when he is eating some crackers and Erin would prefer he eats something else and says "Charlie, I want you to eat some of your sandwich, not just crackers" he says "I'm just eating some crackers" in a tone that sounds like he's contradicting her understanding of what is going on. Or, he'll have a cup of water and be drinking it on the couch and Erin will say "Charlie, can you please sit on the floor and drink the cup of water so you don't spill on Nonni's bed?" and Charlie would say "I'm just drinking a little water on Nonni's bed." I can't do the cuteness justice, it's BEYOND adorable.

Erin and I got some much-needed smister time last night, but Mommy duties called us back a little early. Regardless, I can't say how nice it was to sit outside with Erin at a bar nearby, sipping a cocktail, enjoying the nice Chicago afternoon. I'm so glad we have more trips planned coming up - I miss my smister.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss my smister too!! It was so great to have some time with you and Big O. Can't wait to see you in a little over a week!!