Monday, July 14, 2008

Duck snuggles

I've spent some time lately in Owen's daycare, and one of the things I've noticed is that the girls all play with dolls and the boys mostly knock things over and shake things. There are a couple exceptions, but they are rare.

During free-play, the girls will grab a doll, grab a scarf ("blanket") and wrap the doll, hold her cradle-style, then unwrap and re-wrap the doll. Lather, rinse, repeat. Sometimes they will have Judy, Maria, (or me when I'm visiting) help them swaddle their "baby". As an aforementioned exception to the gender roles, when I was visiting a couple weeks ago Owen was carrying a baby around as well. Except that he was holding it over his shoulder, not cradle style. Oh, and also: the feet were resting on his shoulder, the head hanging down, and Owen's chubby little hand was comforting said "baby" with gentle pats on the bottom. Sweet - if not rightside-up.

In tubbies tonight I was watching Owen play with one of his rubber duckies. He was trying to wrap the duck in his washcloth. He would put the duck in the water then try to wrap the cloth around it, but the duck would bob and weave in the water and elude Owen's plans for cuddles. Finally he succeeded. He swooped the duck up (tail up, of course) and over his shoulder with such glee and pride, then said "Awwwww."

My heart - it melts.

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